A dynamic lesson on how to use Steam!

Lesson Plan: Steam


    After complete this multimedia lesson project, our learners are expected to fully explore the gaming platform Steam. The learners will develop the ability to operate on Steam freely and taking advantage of its features.

Learning objectives:

By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

  1. Grasp the basic concept of what Steam is as a game platform.
  2. Sign up for a personal steam account and personalize the profile section using features from steam.
  3. Master in using store section, operating different functions in store such as searching, purchasing, browsing and adding games to wishlist.
  4. Master in using library section, operating different functions in the library such as installing, filtering, managing and adding games.
  5. Master in using social section (Friends and community), operating different functions in the social section such as adding friends, sharing in community, streaming, inviting friends to your game.

Prior knowledge:

Have a basic understanding of the game platform.

    Able to download the official Steam platform on the website and successfully install it.


1. Beginning / Introduction: talk about Steam using PowerPoint and related to personal experience. Introduce Steam briefly:

​a. Powerpoint slides

2. Download the steam software and create a personal account & the interactive video tool if necessary:

​a. Video Presentation Part 1

3. Go to the store page and apply different and basic functions in the page successfully:

​a. Video Presentation Part 1

4. Using one game as an example, explain how a single game page can be used to buy and play games:

​a. Video PresentationPart 1

5. Some tips for first-time learners:

​a. Video Presentation Part 1

6. Introduce social features of Steam (including personal profile and chat system):

​a. Video Presentation Part 1

7. Introduce library and its different functions:

​a. Video Presentation part 2

8. Specifically through a game in the library to introduce the classification and management in detail:

​a. Video Presentation part 2

Multimedia principles that this lesson followed:

1.Cognitive Load Theory: Our group members have managed to lead learners to concentrate on one material during every step, learners only need to focus on one function at a time. Extra unnecessary information was excluded.

2.Dual Coding Theory: Throughout the lesson, the graphic content was combined with verbal or text narration to help learners comprehend better.

3. The Coherence Principle: Only related information and images are presented, there’s no distraction while learning how to use Steam.

4. The Signaling Principle: I have highlighted important steps and background knowledge before starting the lesson. This was demonstrated in the PPT and the video.

5. The Spatial Contiguity Principle: I have embedded every game platform logo beside the comparison part in PPT.

6. The Segmenting Principle: Videos are separated into two parts, it’s adjustable with speed and subtitle feature on YouTube.

7. The Pre-Training Principle: The PPT provides adequate pre-knowledge before the lesson.

8. The Image Principle: We have excluded human faces or figure images in our presentation.

9.Embodiment Principle: Same above.

9.Modality principle: We chose to apply this principle to the actual learning part which is the videos so that learners can listen to Echo’s instruction while watching.

10.Personalization principle: Both PPT and videos are presented in a conversational style.

11.Redundancy principle: Useful knowledge is only presented in one format to reduce the Redundancy effect.

The lesson:

First of all, please read through this introductory PPT about Steam to grasp the basic background knowledge before starting our lesson!

Now you know how good is Steam as a gaming platform, I guess you can’t wait to learn how to use it, please watch this fantastic YouTube video that we made to understand how to create an account, search for games and use social features!

part 1

Isn’t it fun diving in the sea of fascinating games in the store to find what you are interested in? Now you have owned a game (can be a free game as well). Try to follow the tips in the next video to manage your collection in the library!

part 2

Thank you for participating in our multimedia lesson, I hope you had fun learning about Steam!

My improved Topic 9 blog post!

For the improvement of the second video, I chose to supplement and enrich the original blog content and made corresponding adjustments in related aspects. Compared with the first active learning approach, the second editing assignment adds and revises the multimedia principles and content accordingly.


Bad News Score firstly follows some multimedia principles such as modality principle and personalization principle. It combines an informal conversational language style with attractive pictures and settings to make the game more lively and interesting, also to make the learner more actively involved in the game. In the process of gaming, the creator presents different information in segmented stages at the pace of learners, satisfying the segmenting principle. Finally, Bad News Score follows the feedback principle, and learners could make great differences in the development direction of the game through different options. This game creates a wide variety of possibilities and endings for learners, which not only adds to the fun of the game but also provides an opportunity for active learning. However, the signalling principle is not followed since no different colours or fonts are displayed between each hint, and learners may easily ignore some key information in the later stage. Personally, it would work better when the key message is enhanced with different fonts and colours.


The signalling principle is well used in Sketchnote. This method simplifies a text into notes made up of different visual elements and phrases. This is a good way to highlight key information. At the same time, it is also very concise and time-saving. Sketchnote is a very effective way to memorize the text and integrate important concepts.


Personally, I think Sketchnote is a good way to learn for school study. It simply and clearly expresses complex ideas through short words and doodles, which involves more thinking and the process of thinking transformation. To a great extent, it transforms passive learning behaviour into active learning.


  1. Weekly blog posts
  2. Hands-on activities
  3. Twinery
  4. H5P video

Issac’s blog post feedback 2

Hi Issac,

It’s good to read your blog again.

I like the fact that you gave specific explanations of each of the multimedia principles you used, which helped the reader understand the different applications of multimedia principles in practice. In addition, you have a more objective understanding of Sketchnote. It’s nice for you to mention that the performance of this tool varies depending on the situation. Finally, the content of your SketchNote is not cluttered, it looks interesting. This blog used multimedia principle, signalling principle and personalization principle.

Just a little suggestion, maybe it would be better to add questions?

All in all, you’ve done a nice job. Keep up the good work!

Link to the blog

Zikai’s blog post feedback 2

Hi Zikai,

It’s really nice to read your blog again.

In this blog, each of your questions not only has a clear logic but also has your own unique opinions and sufficient reasons for different problems. Everyone has different learning methods, which are more objective and reasonable. In addition, your hands-on work has also done a great job, which impressed me a lot, well down! Overall, you have satisfied the multimedia principle, split-attention principle and segmenting principle respectively in this blog.

With one small improvement, I wonder if you can increase the font size in your blog so that it will be easier for your readers to read.

To sum up, you have done a good job!

Link to the blog

Chole’s blog post feedback 2

Hi Chole,

It’s great to read your blog again.

The answers in this blog are concise, clear and accurate, with no superfluous information presented. At the same time, the vinegar font you used to differentiate the questions from the answers, making it easier for the reader to understand. In addition, I like your drawing of Sketchnote a lot, which I think is very interesting. This blog meets the Multimedia Principle, Redundancy Principle and Spatial Principle respectively.

One small tip, maybe you can try incorporating the signalling principle into your questions or answers, using italics or colour to emphasize key points.

All in all, you did a great job. Thank you for sharing.

Link to the blog

I Painted!

I have 10.549 followers!

This game follows some multimedia principles such as modality, personalization and feedback principles. However, the signalling principle is not followed. Personally, it works better when the key message is enhanced with different fonts and colours.

Check my SketchNote!

The signalling principle is used very well in SketchNote. Simplify an article into scribbling notes, which well highlights the key information, and is more concise and saves time. In addition, I think SketchNote is a good form of learning in school, which can transform passive learning behaviour into active learning. By writing down textbooks or lectures with short words and doodles, it involves more thinking and transformation process of the mind, which not only saves time but also helps deepen memory.

Some active learning methods we are using in this course!

  1. Weekly blog posts
  2. Hands-on activities
  3. Twinery
  4. H5P video
  5. ……


Multimedia learning principles

-Congnitive Load Theory

-Multimedia principle

-Modality principle


New Discovery—-Twine!

Multimedia principle related to my interactive twine story

This is the first time I’ve ever made an interactive game with Twine. The steps are a bit like programming, but they don’t require a lot of experience and are easy to get started with. In my Twine workshop activity, I used the signalling principle and segmenting principle respectively. First of all, different questions and key information are highlighted and distinguished by bold font, italic font and colour font respectively to highlight the key information in order to help the audience have a better experience. In addition, by asking questions and segmenting the corresponding information, the longer text can be divided into sections to make the content presented in accordance with the rhythm of the audience, which is conducive to a better understanding of the content.

Educational purpose

Personally, I think Twine can be used in school classes. Compared with reading long and dulling plain text, articles can be made into Twine stories for students to read, which, in my opinion, can greatly increase students’ reading interest.

my first twine story!!✨☃️

volume 🆙

My improved H5p video

For the improvement of the second video, I chose to re-record the original Steam screencast video and enhance the relevant aspect accordingly. Compared with the first time, the second edited H5P video respectively uses multimedia principle, modality principle, redundancy principle, signalling principle, pre-training principle, personalization principle and feedback principle.

Firstly, in the recording stage, I followed the pre-training principle at the beginning of the video. Before introducing the multimedia platform, learners could have a general overview of the information and characteristics of the Steam game platform, so as to achieve a better improvement effect for the follow-up content of the video. Secondly, through interspersing pictures, web pages as well as the conversational style of narrative form in the whole video recording process, the video could be more daily also reduce the spatial distance between the author and the learner.  These approaches achieve multimedia, modality as well as personalization principles. In addition, in the process of editing the video, I adopted the redundancy principle to delete and modify the repeated language and content, making the overall video look more complete and concise. Finally, the production of H5P video meets the signalling principle and feedback principle. Through the improvement of Tag and Multiple Choice Questions, listeners could deepen their memory of key information. At the same time, through real-time information feedback, learners not only could check their knowledge reception but also help the author collect information, which provides a reference for the improvement and promotion of the video in the future.


check it out🐣

Issac’s blog post feedback

Hey Issac,

It’s nice to read your blog. In my opinion, your answer to the first question is clear and accurate, you also able to explain the concepts of different principles in concise words. In addition, the image of the signaling principle and the second part of the text achieve an effective combination, which is a good agreement with the multimedia principle. Furthermore, your screen-edited video is quite interesting and could give readers a good sensory experience. The informal conversational style adopted satisfies the personalization principle.

Just one tip, and perhaps you could expand on the second part of the article with some specific examples of how you followed and ignored these principles.

In sum, this is a well-organized blog post and leaves me a good reading experience. Thanks for your sharing!

Link to the blog